Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Kellan is Five Months (and 3 days)

Poor youngest children, Kellan turned 5 months on Sunday and I am just now blogging about it. I know I say it all the time but time is going so fast.

He is at such a fun age. He has started eating cereal and let me tell you he doesn't even want a bottle anymore, just food all the time. He is going to look like a little piggy before long. So cute! He loves to smile and talk and continues to love to cuddle. He is just so precious. I always do his month pictures on his diaper changer to see how long he has gotten. It looks like he will be longer than his diaper changer by 6 months. He is so tall! I had to add this picture of him with Jill because it shows his precious smile.


Procters said...

He is a BIG boy!! Too cute. Keep enjoying these baby days :-)

Larissa said...

What a cutie! Yeah, that third child...I missed blogging about Mason's 7th month all together. But I got a pic of him taken at least!

Darla said...

If Brylie sees this blog she will never stop asking me if we can baby sit him. She is so in love with babies right now and ask if we can have another one soon. I just laugh and tell her we still have a baby. Enjoy your little guy. He is so cute and I love all the pictures on the changing table.