Monday, January 14, 2008

Germs, Sleepless Nights, and Blessings

Poor Kellan has just had a rough time. Last week it started with diarrhea which I thought was from teething, than it progressively got worse. On Thursday I took him to the Dr and his Oxygen level was at 92. They usually admit kids under 92 into the hospital, so he was borderline. They gave him steroids and we have been giving him round the clock breathing treatments but he is still not feeling all that well. It is just so sad to see little babies so helpless. He can't lay down because that makes him choke he coughs so much, so we are going on our 4th night of very little sleep. I just want him to be better. He got RSV like a month ago and they don't think he ever fully kicked it so this time around it is even worse. Thankfully Mike and I have been rotating shifts. I don't know what I would do without help. Mike's parents also came in this weekend and played a lot with Kyler and Kole since they aren't getting much attention these days. That was very helpful. Gramps and Kyler played plenty of Wii and I think she got Gramps addicted. I hate when I am sleep deprived and have sick children. I feel like the worse mom because I am so impatient. I admire and say daily prayers for parents with terminally ill children. They truly are angels from God. I am so thankful for my immediate and extended family, friends bringing me super and Sonic cokes, and a child that has RSV, not something that could be much worse. I am blessed.


Rachel said...

No fun at all! I'm praying for that sweet boy to get better fast. Love you!

Cheri said...

I'm know what you're going through. Poor Kellan; I hope he feels better soon. I hope he gets rid of it for good this time. And I hope you and Mike also survive!

Ashley said...

Oh, Ape, I am so sorry, I had no idea. I will definitley be praying for you guys and for sweet Kellan. Sick kids are the worst and the saddest. I am so sorry. Give Kellan a kiss for me.

Thinking of you!

SS said...

Poor baby, but it sounds like you have a wonderful husband. I'll keep him in my prayers.

Darla said...

Wow, life has been very hard for you lately. Thank you God for husbands like Mike. I will keep you and your little ones in my prayers. Get some rest.

Lisa Renee said...

Sorry girl, saying some prayers. Hope your week gets better.

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry! It was hard for me with one...can't imagine how different it is with three. Hang in there...

Larissa said...

it seems like when it rains it pours with kids and sickness! If we can all get past this winter!!! Praying for Kellan and his momma!

Kelli Marchbanks said...

Hang in there! Hope it passes soon.

Denae said...

I hope Kellan is feeling better!